Thursday, September 10, 2009

The local whacko

This morning I dropped-off three little paintings of mine that are going into a small local show this coming Saturday.
Now, I live in a wonderful community that's full of creative people--painters, photographers, weavers, potters, etc.. and I'm proud to be included in any local arts activities, but I have to tell you, I'm getting a bit tired of being the artist that NOBODY KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH.

When I lived in Toronto, my art was considered "edgy". Around HERE, my art usually draws about as much enthusiasm as a freshly-killed skunk in the middle of the road. Noses twitch, eyebrows are raised, people back-off slowly, probably thinking a slow retreat is easier than trying to come-up with a positive comment.

So I placed my three little paintings on a ledge, beside another artist's beautiful rendering of flowers and beside a photographer's gorgeous image of a sunset in the Niagara Escarpment. And I started to wonder if my paintings "cancel-out" the sheer loveliness of the other artists' works.

And I decided that life isn't all about beauty and that our planet needs constant balancing and re-alignment so that ALL of its energies (positive and negative) balance and compliment each other.

I mean, SOMEBODY'S got to expose what's living underneath the rocks, right?

I'm off to paint now. There's a squashed porcupine on the highway, right in front of my house, and I'm feeling inspired.....

1 comment:

  1. I don't think of it as positive/negative, Gail. And if I did, it's the insipid floweriness of it all that I'd find negative. Your art gives people joy and laughter and whimsy and pause, and those are all POSITIVE.

    Rock on, sister. Peace out.
