Monday, December 13, 2010

OK, I want everybody to ignore my most recent blog. It was written under pressure. That's right, you heard me. I was instructed to update my blog, and I never respond well to instructions. You can ask my seventh-grade gym teacher, Mrs. Jolley, if she's not dead, which she probably is, considering how old I am. She'd order me to take-out the gym equipment, and I'd give her the finger and head for the girls' bathroom to smoke.

Anyhow, I'm blogging again today cuz I'm snowed-in here. About a foot of the white stuff outside my front door. This means that today will be a day for a), painting, or b) working on details for my upcoming show, or c), consuming vast amounts of chips and dip, or d), staring at my navel.

I'm leaning towards "d", at the moment....

And of course I MUST get the pups out for some exercise. The dogs love the winter, and we're always finding exciting things on our property. Two day ago we discovered a bunny murder scene, complete with coyote tracks, rabbit fur, and fresh blood. Oh, the dogs were in scent HEAVEN. Don't think I've ever seen my Dane, Logan, quite so excited...

But before I do ANYTHING, I must search all my cupboards for some chocolate. Being snowed-in can be a wonderful adventure, IF you have all the necessities of life.....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The blog revival

OK, OK, it's been awhile. I get distracted, I have the attention span of a fern....

Autumn was a wonderful time for me, if I overlook the foot surgery I had in late summer and resulted in me hobbling around in hideous blue booties for six weeks. To counter THAT little experience, I was once again accepted into the Headwaters Arts Festival's annual juried show, and was even presented with a jurors' award for one of my paintings. Making art can be such a lonely process, it 's wonderful to receive validation from people you respect. Keeps the engine chugging, ya know?

And now I'm getting ready for a solo show at the beautiful Alton Mill, in Alton, Ontario, to run from January 5th to February 13th. It will be a retrospective of my work, and it's the first time I've had a one-man show since I've been painting. (I had a show in Toronto in 2002, but it was all pastel work...)

So it's a busy time, but I'm having fun and looking forward to seeing lots of friends at my show. Snow be damned....